
Pool Renovation and Paving Pymble NSW

Pymble is located on the Upper North Shore of Sydney and is 15 kilometres north of the Sydney CBD. Our project was to renovate the pool edges and decking area and replace the existing concrete pathways and alfresco area with Teakwood sandstone.

Teakwood Sandstone Pool Decking Pymble

The current pool edging and surrounding area were paved in concrete.

We removed all the concrete and laid teakwood sandstone pavers. Teakwood sandstone is natural and burnt orange in colour and has unique veins that create an organic look. This stone is non-slip, durable and perfect for pool areas due to its honed finish.

Teakwood Sandstone Pathway Construction Pymble

All the pathways that bordered the home were concrete. We removed the concrete and replaced this with teakwood sandstone to match the flow of the pool area.

Alfresco Teakwood Sandstone Paving Pymble

The alfresco area floor was also covered in concrete. We removed all the concrete and once again added the teakwood sandstone. 

The entire pool area, pathways and alfresco floor were now teakwood sandstone. The colours of the sandstone combined with the surrounding vegetation were a perfect combination. Also, the value of the property increased significantly on completion of this project.

Before Pool Renovation


After Pool Renovation and Pathway Construction

Teak Wood Sandstone

Pool renovation Pymble

Pathway construction Pymble

The Projects

Location – Pymble NSW

Pool Renovation

  • Remove brick pool edging and decking
  • Add new stone edges and flooring

Teakwood Sanstone Pool Decking

  • Remove the brick paving surrounding the pool
  • Replace the bricks with stone paving

Teakwood Sandstone Alfresco Paving

  • Remove all the brick flooring
  • Replace with stone blocks